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With Easter quickly approaching many Easter baskets are being made!  There are several hazardous items for pets that go in Easter baskets.  Most people know that chocolate is toxic to us pets, truthfully it doesn’t last very long in my household, the humans consume it pretty quickly!  What most people don’t know about is xylitol.  Xylitol is a sweetener commonly found in sugar free gum, candies and even some human medications.  Xylitol can cause low blood sugar and liver damage.  So all you pets out there, try not to eat it!!  And if you do, leave the wrapper so your human knows to contact your vet ASAP!  I know I don’t try to eat that plastic, stringy tinsel stuff that is commonly found in the baskets, but boy wouldn’t Kuroi love to play in it!  Tinsel can be dangerous to us all if we eat it, it can cause an obstruction and sometimes even leads to surgery.  Another common item around this time of year that is poisonous are lilies.  They can cause kidney failure and death in cats.  It truly doesn’t take much for a cat to become sick from it, so I guess I will never see lilies in our house.  Even though I probably won’t get an Easter basket, here’s my Easter basket to give to anyone– it comes with a cuddly yet conspiring fluffy black cat.  (Shhhh don’t tell him I posted his secret hiding spot from Watson!)


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