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Noise aversion can be common in our pet dogs!  Our pets can be afraid of storms, fireworks, rain, construction, buses, celebrations, and the list goes on.  Riverview Animal Hospital is now carrying Sileo, which is labeled to help our dogs with noise aversions.


What is sileo…

It is a gel that you give to your dog in the inside of their cheek.  It works quickly to alleviate their anxiety without sedating them.  It can be repeated several times within a certain period of time.  It does not have to be given with other medications in order for it to work

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Does your pet show any of these signs of anxiety?

  • Pacing or restlessness
  • Panting
  • Acting like a “velcro dog” following you everywhere
  • Licking their lips
  • Hiding
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Whining or vocalizing
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