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Kyra's Korner

Summer Heat

By June 1, 2015 July 26th, 2022 No Comments

As the summer heats up and with the Fourth of July around the corner, we will all start to enjoy the barbecued hot dogs and hamburgers (especially hot dogs). We should all be aware of the hot temperatures that can affect us pets. Did you know that dogs can’t sweat except through their paw pads? Dogs regulate their temperature through panting. So while you might think that it’s because we like the smell of hot dogs, it is actually a sign of heat exhaustion. Imagine if you were wearing your winter coat at a barbecue! Signs of heat exhaustion can be weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, very red gums and excessive panting. Riverview Animal Hospital always recommends making sure that your pets have access to plenty of water and shade and bring them inside if possible to prevent heat exhaustion. If you think your pet has heat exhaustion please consult your veterinarian as soon as possible!

PS. My mom says hot dogs can be bad for us!

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